Champaign Crime Map And Stats
We all believe our neighborhood is a secure neighborhood, but how will your home compare with the larger city? Look at this Champaign crime map and figure out where there’s an accumulation of numbers of reported incidents. Then get some tips to make your family and neighborhood more safe and secure.
Champaign Crime Map
This Champaign Crime Map gives a summary of known crime in the city. Darker sections show a greater concentration of events as compared to the greater area. Zoom in and out by using the - and + buttons, respectively.
Common Tips On How To Help Make Your Neighborhood Safe
While no neighborhood is without violations, there's a few easy things you might do regarding your street’s safety. Here are few easy ways to keep your neighborhood secure and inviting.
Know your neighbors: The more you know different community members, the simpler it will be to look out for one another. Many communities in Champaign have also organized a formal neighborhood watch.
Invest in a security system: If a thief trips an alarm system, it should make them think twice about casing around that same street for a while. Your security cameras could also catch people running through your lawn when running from a thwarted break-in.
Keep valuables away from the window in your car: Leaving your billfold, keys, or mobile phone in your car can invite a vehicular break-in. Always remember to carry in your valuables or leave them out of sight in a console compartment or trunk.
Put up outside motion flood lights: Light is a thief’s worst fear. By putting up motion-activated lights over a deck or a back door, you may prevent a break-in before it happens.
Let people know when you’re not home: Let a trusted neighbor know when you’re going on vacation, and leave them a front door key or door lock code to check-in periodically. Although, leave your travel plans off Facebook if at all possible.
Have Secure24 Alarm Systems Help Your House Stay Safe
When you need a state-of-the-art security system to help keep your home safe from burglary, fire, or other disasters, call Secure24 Alarm Systems. We'll walk through your security and efficiency options and will help you personalize the best system for your home’s needs. Just contact (217) 765-0086 or send in the form below.